Уровень английского А0

If a person is at A0, this is a beginner with the ability to say and understand just a few words or phrases, or he/she may have no knowledge of English at all.
No knowledge of the language to be studied at all

For the A0 level course you will:

  • Understand and use very frequently-used everyday expressions as well as simple phrases to meet immediate needs.
  • Introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, things he/she has and people he/she knows.
  • Interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to cooperate.

English Courses

Do you want to start speaking English right away after your first lesson? You'll succeed! Our courses hold your hand and lead you through real-life English discussions. Consider this... Every English word you hear will suddenly make sense to you.
Union Dental
ул.Амира Темура 152
140145 Самарканд

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